Unity Asset Game Kit Controller
Solid 1st/3rd Person Controller with unique Gravity and Sci-Fi features! (+150)
Biggest update ever 2.3.6 Beta
GKC is a powerful game framework which allows you to create most type of games very easily.
It is the perfect foundation for your game and a great learning tool. There are tons of possibilities.
You can set up a character controller and test it in a few seconds.
Very customizable effects and options: camera states, configuration and transitions, power system, weapons, touch controls, headbob, custom input keys, footsteps, vehicles, etc...
-Physics-based and root motion controller
-Any number of extra jumps
-Steps particles and footprints
-Ragdoll when character dies or receive damage higher than x
-IK for powers, weapons, vehicles, ….
-Land mark on player’s feet
-Procedural Ragoll system
-Ragdoll to mecanim and vice versa
-Uses ragdoll and/or mecanim when player dies
-Jetpack, sphere controller and fly mode
-Footstep audio system on mesh and terrain
-Footprints and dust particles in every step
-Fall damage
-Camera collision detection and states system
-Change between First and Third person view
-Shake on damage
-Headbob with states and external shakes
-Static and dynamic headbob
-Fixed camera positions with option to follow player (alpha)
-Zoom mode and move away the camera
-Start in Third or First person
-Walk and run in any surface
-Circumnavigate spheres or regular surfaces
-Run while you adhere to any surface
-Grab and carry objects
-Change gravity for any object
-10+ different type of powers
-Close combat system with combos
-Change gravity to objects
-Displace objects on rails
-Deflect and project lasers
-Editable key numbers powers, drag & drop
-Scanner system for objects and enemies
-Damage screen with fade color and damage position/direction icons
-Damage and heal numbers in screen
-Advanced damage detection for characters, vehicles, ….anything
-Configure weak spots, damage multipliers and one shoot killed zones
-Complete editor to configure easily damage receivers
-Unified keyboard, touch and gamepad input
-Enable or disable every action
-Gamepad support with movable mouse cursor
-Very customizable touch controls and editor configuration
-Configurable files path to save input, saves, captures, etc….
-Touch buttons and joysticks ready to use
-Change between joysticks and touchpad
-Save/load and edit touch buttons positions
-Swipe in touch devices
-Rebindable key input system, save/load it
-Accelerometer to rotate the camera
-Like 3rd shooter aim mode
-Extensible and very customizable player weapon system
-Fire in First and third person
-Advanced use of IK: No animations needed
-Full weapon HUD
-Change between weapons in any camera view
-Separated camera for weapons in First person
-Draw, walk, aim and keep weapon actions
-Insane amount of configurations
-Procedural weapon sway and motion
-Realistic physics projectile shells
-Insane amount of options to shoot: spread, projectiles per shoot, clip size, bullet speed, bullet force amount, explosion radius, ...
-Camera shake for every fired projectile
-Smooth transition in weapon change, camera fov aiming, …
-Procedural weapon recoil
-5 different weapons: pistol, regular shotgun, assault rifle, double shotgun and missile launcher
-Pick and drop weapons ingame
-Decals manager
-Weapon and ammo pickups
-Powerful inventory system
-Pick, drop, use, lock or read info for every inventory object
-Use objects by menu, interaction button or trigger
-Animation in objects used
-Complete custom editor system to configure every object added
-Any number of slots and amount of objets per slot
-Smart inventory management
-Look, rotate and zoom in every 3d model object in game
-Easy capture manager: Use actual 3d model images
-Increase inventory size in game with bags
-Car, Motorbike, Hovercraft, aircraft, hoverboard, sphere mode and weapon turret.
-Camera states, set any number of camera positions
-Hoverboard waypoint system
-Skids manager for vehicle wheels
-Advanced input setting for vehicles
-Shake states on damage, accelerating, shooting, ….
-IK, weapons and gravity control system for vehicles
-Third, First and fixed camera in vehicles
-Procedural map builder, any shape is possible
-Configure different floors and rooms
-Map menu: change between floors, zoom, icons info, …
-Place and remove map marks ingame
-Configure easily any type of map icon: enemies, doors, elevators, vehicles,….
-Map beacons and quick travel stations
-Set map zones as hidden to be revealed when player reaches them
-Unlock map parts with map pickups
-Configure map zone color and room texts
-Map glossary according to map icons configured
-Compass with 8 directions
-Signaling targets with in screen icon
-Full pickup system for health, energy, fuel, ammo, inventory, weapons, …
-Powerful pickup manager: configure once, use anywhere
-Breakable crates
-Pickup drop system for crates, dead enemies, explosive barrels, ….
-Pickup chests with configurable object spawn position
-Random amount of pickups in drop system and chests
-Procedural doors
-Procedural elevator
-Hackable password panels
-Procedural Ziplines
-Jump platforms on trigger and on button pressed
-Pressure plates, activate them with weight
-Wayoint moving platforms
-Heal and damage triggers
-Falling platforms
-Teleportation platforms
-Player waypoint system, reach every point in the path!
-Explosive barrels
-Recharger stations for health and energy
-Vending machines, instantiate anything
-Health bars above enemies and allies
-AI Enemy turrets with differents weapons
-Nav mesh AI system
-AI can use weapons
-Advanced waypoint patrols
-Find friendly AI and give orders: wait, follow, attack and hide
-Ragdoll when dead or damage received higher than x
-Footstep system with particles and footprints
-Hack devices and enemies
-Text devices
-Numeric code and computer terminals
-Security cameras with controls and zoom
-Configure any number of slots
-Save with time played, camera capture, date and other game info
-Time bullet ability
-Event trigger system, call any amount of functions when player picks a weapon, lock a room when he enters, ….everything you need
-Physics system to grab, rotate, zoom, drop and throw objects
-Create any system with health and destructible, like a rotating laser trap!
-HUD system with health, power and weapons for player and vehicles
-Most systems have an advanced editor allowing a perfect workflow.
-Editable list: change order, remove, add, clear,….
-Tag and layer manager: add and remove as you need, import project is not a problem anymore
-Fully commented C# code
Download: http://bluenik.com/2Jfe
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